Finding Joy in the Mundane
Often the monotony of everyday life can quickly extract joy. It has been said before that novelty is the key to happiness and once the novelty of an action, a person, or an event wears off, it becomes mundane and no longer satisfying. The problem is that life is full of the mundane. Christians are called to be joyful in an unearthly way and to find joy that is beyond the norms of this world. How does one find that joy when all we do is go from home to work and back? Finding this joy stems from seeing the world through a different lense. Being in the world, but not of the world goes beyond church and witnessing to people. Seeing your daily commute as something more and looking at it as a time for learning something new or engaging ...
Read moreAll About Easter
Christianity’s main differentiator from other religions is a living god. This is incredibly important differentiation is celebrated on Easter Sunday, when we set aside a day to remember the resurrecti…
Seattle Advertising's VP Leading Digital Revolution
One small advertising firm in Bellevue, Washington is running in front of the pack and rapidly becoming a unique success story in the tech sector. VC firms and Entrepreneurs alike are running to…
Facebook issues a warning
Once again Facebook is making some major changes and altering the way Social media is doing things. A warning is being issued to anyone who is participating in producing low-quality advertising result…