KFC releases Double Down Dog sandwich

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KFC releases Double Down Dog sandwich
Kentucky Fried Chicken continues the tradition of replacing bread with fried chicken, with the double down dog, a hot dog covered in cheese and fitted into a fried chicken bun.
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KFC is now selling a Double Down Dog in the Philippines and they are selling out like crazy. Gillian Pensavalle (@GillianWithaG) explains. Video provided by Buzz60 Newslook
The KFC Double Down Dog is available at select KFCs in the Philippines from Jan. 26-27, according to a KFC Facebook post.(Photo: Screenshot of KFC Philippines Facebook post)
Who needs a soggy bun when your hot dog can be wrapped in fried chicken?
Kentucky Fried Chicken is replacing bread with meat at select Philippines restaurants, according to a Facebook post from KFC Philippines.[1]
There are no plans for the fast food chain in the United States to add the sandwich to the menu, according to KFC.
The new Double Down Dog sandwich features a hot dog covered in cheese and fitted into a bun-size piece of fried chicken.
On Jan. 26 and 27, the brave and hopefully heart healthy can purchase the sandwich from participating KFC's in the Philippines, the Facebook post says.
Only 50 of the sandwiches are available per day and by the time many Americans were getting ready for work, the sandwiches were already sold out in the Philippines, according to an Instagram post from the KFC Philippines account.

Instagram | @kfcphilippines[2]
The last Double Down Dog in Market! Market! has been sold! Get ready for a 2nd chance at one of the 50 Double Down Dogs tomorrow! #newKFCDoubleDown
Many on Twitter had a lot to say about the meaty sandwich. Some were mystified by its very existence.
Others noted that it was actually a "time saver."
It's not the first time KFC created a meat sandwich. In 2010, select American chains offered the Double Down sandwich.

This image provided by KFC shows the Double Down sandwich, which was available in the USA in 2010. (Photo: Dan Kremer, AP)
Follow @MaryBowerman [3]on Twitter.
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KFC releases Double Down Dog sandwich
Kentucky Fried Chicken continues the tradition of replacing bread with fried chicken, with the double down dog, a hot dog covered in cheese and fitted into a fried chicken bun.
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KFC is now selling a Double Down Dog in the Philippines and they are selling out like crazy. Gillian Pensavalle (@GillianWithaG) explains. Video provided by Buzz60 Newslook

The KFC Double Down Dog is available at select KFCs in the Philippines from Jan. 26-27, according to a KFC Facebook post.(Photo: Screenshot of KFC Philippines Facebook post)
Who needs a soggy bun when your hot dog can be wrapped in fried chicken?
Kentucky Fried Chicken is replacing bread with meat at select Philippines restaurants, according to a Facebook post from KFC Philippines.[4]
There are no plans for the fast food chain in the United States to add the sandwich to the menu, according to KFC.
The new Double Down Dog sandwich features a hot dog covered in cheese and fitted into a bun-size piece of fried chicken.
On Jan. 26 and 27, the brave and hopefully heart healthy can purchase the sandwich from participating KFC's in the Philippines, the Facebook post says.
Only 50 of the sandwiches are available per day and by the time many Americans were getting ready for work, the sandwiches were already sold out in the Philippines, according to an Instagram post from the KFC Philippines account.

Instagram | @kfcphilippines[5]
The last Double Down Dog in Market! Market! has been sold! Get ready for a 2nd chance at one of the 50 Double Down Dogs tomorrow! #newKFCDoubleDown
Many on Twitter had a lot to say about the meaty sandwich. Some were mystified by its very existence.
Others noted that it was actually a "time saver."
It's not the first time KFC created a meat sandwich. In 2010, select American chains offered the Double Down sandwich.

This image provided by KFC shows the Double Down sandwich, which was available in the USA in 2010. (Photo: Dan Kremer, AP)
Follow @MaryBowerman [6]on Twitter.
Read or Share this story: http://usat.ly/1JPwst1
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