
Newsweek Takes on the Bible Featured

  • Written By Anne Ollswang
Newsweek Takes on the Bible

The first issue of Newsweek for 2015 takes on a pretty big subject: The Bible. In fact the cover features the title The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin. They’ve decided to take on those who use the Bible to excuse inappropriate behavior or justify their own interpretations for their actions.

The story begins with those who are loudest. The ones who use the Bible to proclaim homosexuality is a sin, those who demand prayer in school, and pray to God for salvation from their horrific political opponents. They choose passages out of context to suit their needs and twist translations to fit their motives.

One wonders if these people have even read the Bible, given the way they use it. Examples of recent issues put forth using the Bible as support include climate change (impossible because of a promise from God to Noah), teaching creationism in schools, and vague signs of the end of times. None are actually in the Scriptures. Has the Bible simply become the go-to book when you want to validate any point at all?

The article does not challenge the existence of God, but does challenge those who use it for their own purposes without even reading it. Their behaviors simply hurt people – all in the name of God.

One of the main points is that none of us, NONE, have read the actual Bible. We have read various translations. There are discrepancies between versions that have evolved over the years. Some even have new sections that were added to the New Testament and omissions that contradicted orthodox beliefs. The most notable change is the addition of the story of the Passion in John. It was entirely made up by the Scribes in the Middle Ages. The style and prose are different than the rest of John’s gospel and has phrases from another time.

Experts in religious studies agree that the translations are flawed and that the King James Bible falls short of an accurate version. Manipulations of the text have led to the confusing concept of the Trinity, a concept found nowhere in the early Greek manuscript.

It makes sense that there are misconceptions when you consider the story of Christmas as told by Matthew and Luke. The story is told quite differently, but our understanding is based on Christians taking a bit of this and a bit of that and blending them together for the best story.

Today, politicians and activists use the Bible, which in its current form is flawed, to support their causes. Those who condemn homosexuality should read more of Romans, where many of the actions taken by government are considered damning. Adultery, greed, and lying are all declared in 1 Corinthians as being on par with homosexuality as sinning is concerned.

Newsweek basically points out the flaws in our Bible due to ages of translations and interpretations. To use it to push oneself ahead of others or accuse others of sin is a sin in itself.

In life and business, it is best to start with Jesus’ quote, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” This is an eye-opening article that is worth a read.

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